Series 1. Ultimate Warrior, Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens, John Cena, Undertaker, Brock Lesnar. Brock was the first one I picked up. Undertaker and Warrior came a little later than the others but still series 1. Series 2 Sting, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind, Kane, and HHH. This group was a big hit and was available at Walmart. Series 3 Seth Rollins, Goldberg, Dean Ambrose, AJ Styles. These died on the pegs, and got the line stopped for a while. Some are still available in Targets unfortunately. Series 4 Sami Zayn and Ric Flair. These were mostly at Target. Series 5 Nakamura, Daniel Bryan, Bray Wyatt, Sting #2. These I found at KMart before it died. Series 6 New Day Xavier Woods and Big E. These never hit locally. Series 7 Shawn Michaels with the worst headscan ever, Sheamus, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho. These died on the pegs at Walmart, and contributed to the line being stopped. Series 8 Braun Strowman, Iron Sheik, Zack Ryder, Jeff Hardy. These clogged pegs at a few places. Series 9 Goldust, Randy Orton, Macho Man Randy Savage #2. These have only been available online. Series 10 Diesel. This one has only been available online. It was the most anticipated Retro due to it’s connection to the Hasbro line ending in 1995. Christmas Haul. Series 5 is completed with Macho Man Randy Savage #1, and Kofi Kingston. Also Series 10 Matt Hardy and Elias.
Collection Displayed:
My current Retros setup. Missing: Series 10 Junkyard Dog, Series 9 Samoa Joe, Series 4 Kevin Owens #2, Series 4 Finn Balor
Part 2 to come, where I will analyze each wave, rank best to worst, and discuss the pros and cons and highs and lows of the Retro series.