Welcome to the Best and Worst of 2022. Here I will discuss the best and worst Hot Wheels in various categories, as well as WWE Elite figures released in 2022. This is all strictly my opinion.
Hot Wheels:
The Best:
- Best Super Treasure Hunt: ’81 Camaro
- Best Treasure Hunt: Duck N Roll
- Best Store Exclusive: ’59 Chevy Impala (Dollar General Exclusive)
- Best Zamac: ’69 Camaro Convertible
- Best Target Red Edition: 83 Chevy Silverado
- Best Mail in: ’85 Ford Bronco
- Best Boulevard: Volkswagen Drag Bus
- Best Car Culture: ’20 Dodge Charger Hellcat
- Best Transport: Retro Rig/ 72 Plymouth Cuda FC
The Worst:
- Worst Super Treasure Hunt: ’73 BMW 3.0 CSL Race Car
- Worst Treasure Hunt: Muscle and Blown
- Worst Store Exclusive: Custom ’70 Honda N600 (Best Buy Exclusive)
- Worst Zamac: Nissan r390 GTI
- Worst Target Red Edition: ’73 BMW 3.0 CSL Race Car
- Worst Mail In: Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA
- Worst Boulevard: Baja Bouncer
- Worst Car Culture: Mercedes-Benz Sprinter
- Worst Transport: Fleet Flyer/Porsche 917 LH (Gulf Racing)

Wrestling Figures
- Best Elite: Bret Hart, Elite 94 Both Versions
- Best PPV Series: Shawn Michaels, Summerslam 2005 version
- Best Legend: Kane, Series 15
- Best Exclusive: Retro Series 12 (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Jimmy Hart, Nikolai Volkoff)
- Best Ultimate Edition: Ultimate Warrior WM7 version
- Worst Elite:
- Worst in PPV Series: Bret Hart, Wrestlemania Series
- Worst Legend: Cowboy Bob Orton
- Worst Exclusive: 2001 Undertaker
- Worst Ultimate Edition: The Fiend Bray Wyatt, 2nd release