2021 has been a very difficult year when it comes to collecting Hot Wheels.

A fantasy casting that was actually somewhat popular among newer collectors this year, but compared to what came after it, this one is the worst for 2021.

Batmobiles have been Treasure Hunts before, and before then, and before that, and this one is nothing too special.

This is an interesting choice, because it’s a rarely seen casting used late in the year as a Treasure Hunt. It’s an interesting choice that way, but the car itself isn’t as interesting.

2021 started off with this piece of work, featuring Halloween themes and bright orange wheels. It stands out from the crowd, but that’s about it.

The Tred Shredder was the hardest Treasure Hunt for me to come by this year. It’s a nice enough piece, but not better than the next 10.

Motosaurus was not a popular casting, as it represents Hot Wheels at arguably it’s worst: a car based on an animal. I like this one because of the orange and green scheme, also the fire logo repeats as the scales pattern on the side. Very clever.

Deora II raised in popularity as the year went on, but this one is just average to me. A blue on blue design but not much to see here.

The 65 Ford Galaxie wraps up the year, and looks like a stock car you’d find in late model racing. A good entry into the line, but this one was just a super last year.

This one is definitely just average. Nothing really stands out, but it’s not a hot dog.

The Skull Shaker in purple with flames is a cool little car to be a Treasure Hunt. This one featured a matte paint as well, which is rare.
The Top 5 2021 Treasure Hunts, #5-1

The Miata gains points because it looks like a car you’d see on the road. Maybe with different rims, but still this is a good one.

We need more Funny Cars in our collecting lives.

The Dodge Van is a nice call back to last year’s Art Car design that also featured a playing card. I hope this trend continues.

A sleeper pick, the Ollie Rocket is a nice car. The Black, Gold, and Blue with White wheels are a nice combination and the backstory of the casting (a make-a-wish patient designed it), makes this one a winner with me.

And our winner, the Dodge Truck. It’s a nice color combo that would exist in 1978, it’s a truck, and it’s green. All of that adds up to number one for 2021.
So that wraps up 2021. How do they stack up against 2020? In the meantime, see you in 2022, and happy collecting.