An annual tradition, it’s time to rank the 2022 Super Treasure Hunts from Hot Wheels. This ranking is purely my opinion, and has some criteria:
- Casting choice
- Color
- Wheels
- Intangibles like repeated castings or anything else I choose
Here are my 2021 and 2020 rankings.
There are fifteen castings that became Super Treasure Hunts for 2022, and this is my ranking, starting with 15-11:
2022 Super Treasure Hunts, 15-11:

Case: B
Rank: 15
This one just didn’t do it for me. The Gold color pops, but it’s an underwhelming choice for a Super. The red plastic bumper is also off putting.

Case: J
Rank: 14
The annual Mustang Super Treasure Hunt is not a great choice in my view. It’s fitting for that sub-genre of cars, but to me it just doesn’t look good as a Super.

Case: N
Rank: 13
This one is a companion to 2018’s ’17 Audi RS 6 Avant Super, but that one in red was far superior to this one. Black Supers never look as good, and this one is pretty boring overall.

Case: D
Rank: 12
Another underwhelming effort, especially in a sub-series called “HW hot trucks”. There were way better choices in that set to get the Super treatment than this one. It also suffers from the black super problem. The only credit for this one, is that it’s not a repeat of a previously done super.

Case: H
Rank: 11
Speaking of Black Supers, this one isn’t horrible or anything but it’s not as sharp as it would have been in a red or blue. This one would have been better off with a different color.
2022 Super Treasure Hunts 10-6:

Case: G
Rank: 10
Sometimes you just know when a car is going to end up being a super. The Volkswagen Kafer Racer has been a Zamac and a Target Red Edition already so a Super was inevitable. As far as this one, the red looks great, and the copper/orange wheels also are a nice change of pace. However, the casting doesn’t really move me too much.

Case: L
Rank: 9
Another casting that is saved by it’s color and wheels. Orange supers always look great, and the chrome wheels are a nice addition. Otherwise this one is a niche casting that I’m not particularly drawn to.

Case: F
Rank: 8
This is another one that was bound to be a Super, and in short order, as it debuted in 2021. The Civic holds the 2022 crown for “most expensive Super on the secondary market”. It is a Ryu’s rides tribute to the late HW designer. The Gold is a good color for a tribute car, and the wheels are matching. This Super is good.

Case: K
Rank: 7
Another “expensive on secondary market” champion, the Skyline is a beautiful car in person. The emerald green looks great and it’s a perfect example of a car getting the super treatment. This one is the first one I’ve found in the wild for 2022, sadly.

Case: E
Rank: 6
Another one that was destined to be a Super. The modern Corvette looks great in diecast form, and this one is a home run with dark blue spectraflame and chrome wheels. A very clean look.
The top 5:
You really can’t go wrong with any of these.

Case: C
Rank: 5
I had a hard time sorting the next three choices, but here we are. The Dodge Van was another 2021 debut, and quickly made it’s way to being a Super. The Spectraflame magenta color is excellent, the chrome wheels are always a good choice, and it’s not a bad casting choice. The racing decals subtract a bit, but not as bad as other cases.

Case: M
Rank: 4
This car is beautiful. Purple is always a good choice as a Super treatment, and this one has the proper chrome wheels as well. There aren’t too many 80s style Mustangs in the Hot Wheels lineup, so this is a pretty good choice.

Case: P
Rank: 3
Our annual Gulf Racing entry, this one does not disappoint. The teal and orange scheme look great, and the 32 Ford is an excellent choice as a casting.

Case: A
Rank: 2
The ’55 Chevy got 2022 off to a great start as this car is immaculate. The dark blue and chrome is excellent and this car is pretty much perfect.

Case: Q
Rank: 1
The ’55 Chevy would have been number 1 if not for this one. This one checks all the boxes for me, especially the Camaro factor and the Green Super factor. This one strictly due to personal bias makes it number one. As noted before, you can’t really go wrong with any of the top 5, but I’ll put the Camaro on top for 2022.
In Conclusion…
This was a solid year for Super Treasure Hunts, and as always they are highly desirable and collectible. This has been my toughest year to date as far as tracking down these Supers, and it’s not for lack of trying. There are more active collectors than ever, and the case ratio has changed from 1:9 average to almost 1:15 cases. That being said, it’s what makes the hunt fun and challenging.
As always, Happy Hunting.