Mattel has released the Ruthless Aggression Elite Collection, and there is the upcoming Monday Night Wars set, but what about the New Generation? The New Generation era began with the departure of Hulk Hogan in 1993, and ran through 1996 with the oncoming Attitude era. There were plenty of big names and stars in the era, and Mattel has already released many of them in their famous looks and attires. I’m going to fantasy book a few sets in the same template of the Ruthless Aggression series, 6 waves of 3 stars.
Wave 1:
- Bret The Hitman Hart
- Doink The Clown
- Bam Bam Bigelow

To start us off, we have the top guy of the era, Bret Hart in his King Of The Ring/Summerslam 1994 attire. Doink the Clown was in the Ultimate New Generation set, but could be re-done as an Elite. Bam Bam Bigelow from his Wrestlemania XI main event with purple trim would make an awesome figure.
Wave 2:
- Shawn Michaels
- The British Bulldog
- Razor Ramon

We have 1995 fresh babyface Shawn Michaels, 1994 return British Bulldog, and who wouldn’t want a red attire Razor Ramon?
Wave 3:
- Lex Luger
- Mabel
- The 123 Kid

We’ve seen this Luger before, but with a fresh face scan and updated parts, it would work. King Mabel was one of the best figures Mattel ever made, so a Men on a Mission version would be excellent. The Kid would be a nice change of pace in this attire vs the two blue ones that we have.
Wave 4:
- Tatanka
- Jim The Anvil Neidhart
- Diesel

All 1994 here, with Tatanka on the verge of a heel turn, The Anvil in his 1994 heel run, and big Diesel on the brink of being World Champion and leader of the New Generation.
Wave 5:
- Sycho Sid
- The Ultimate Warrior
- Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Easy choices here, as Sid was a big presence from 1995-1997, and the Warrior is always welcome. HHH had his network spotlight version of this era, but that was years ago and could use an upgrade.
Wave 6:
- Crush
- The Undertaker
- Macho Man Randy Savage

These three would be a tougher sell. For one, Crush has only been seen in Elite series 27 and nothing since, but there is a demand for his other personas. The Undertaker has been done to death, but he’s one of the top guys of the era so he should be there. As far as Macho, he has been absent from the line lately, but he needs to be brought back. Also, the attire I chose for him is the one from the New Generation Ultimate Edition, but like Doink, I think a streamlined version Elite would still work.