A look back at WWE Legends Series 1-6

Photos sourced from figurerealm.com Legends Series 1: The Breakdown: With the initial lineup of WWE Legends from Mattel, there were some clear objectives. One, make a splash with Ricky Steamboat, who was never available for the Jakks Classic Superstars. Two, make attires that Jakks didn’t make. The Road Warriors and Dusty Rhodes are excellent here….

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Another look back: Mattel Legends 7-10 and more

Photos sourced from figurerealm.com MattyCollector/Ringside Collectibles exclusives: The Breakdown: These were released over a few months’ time on Matty Collector. They were notable for being the only release of Bundy and Marty Jannetty, and the debut of the classic WWF Tag Team Title belts. Macho King was a Ringside Collectibles exclusive and is awesome in…

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