Wrestling Figure Holy Grails
Collector seeks rare wrestling figures to complete sets, highlighting several prized items as grails.
Stuff about me as a collector.
Collector seeks rare wrestling figures to complete sets, highlighting several prized items as grails.
The ranking of Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunts shows a decline in quality over the years, despite occasional exceptional models.
Short and to the point this time, but here are the thing that I hope to accomplish in 2024 when it comes to collecting Hot Wheels/Premium die cast and Wrestling Figures in General: Make at least one “Big Boy Purchase” from the Holes in my Collection. Complete the WCW OSFTM “Rubber Guys” collection Complete the…
The Background: The total collection is over 12,000 cars. Most of which have been bought in the last ten years. I began dabbling in Hot Wheels in 2007, discovered Treasure Hunts and Super Treasure Hunts in 2010, and went off to the races in 2013. I began going to shows, vintage shops, flea markets, and…
This is an updated list of the figures I am currently missing in my collection. I did a list like this before, and have knocked a few off of that list. Hopefully, some of these names will be joining my collection some time this year. Some of these are quite pricey, and I have regrets…
At the beginning of 2022, I did a ranking of the first 26 Mattel WWE Ultimate Edition figures. This Ultimate Edition 2023 list will be a follow up of that list, and perhaps I will get every one of them into one final ranking soon. Starting at the bottom: There is no reason for this…
Or just my rules of Collecting, WWE edition. “A step-by-step booklet for you to getYour game on track” “This rule is so underrated” “Follow these rules you’ll have mad bread to break up” How I apply these rules: Typically, I don’t think too much about what the next collector is doing with their money or…
Welcome to the Best and Worst of 2022. Here I will discuss the best and worst Hot Wheels in various categories, as well as WWE Elite figures released in 2022. This is all strictly my opinion. Hot Wheels: The Best: The Worst: Wrestling Figures
Recently, I was able to acquire two missing pieces for my collection, the Flashback Series 2 USA Ultimate Warrior, and a grail piece, the Defining Moments Wrestlemania 7 Ultimate Warrior. This got me to thinking, I need a checklist. As discussed previously, I have a need for filling the gaps in my collection. Hasbros: The…
It has been an exciting time to be a collector of the WWE Mattel wrestling figures line. With the arrival of San Diego Comic Con, there has been anticipation of new reveals and preorders for upcoming figures. However, this process has been a disaster so far. Preorders delayed, confusion, cats and dogs living together, mass…