This is what we have so far:
Monday Night Wars Elites Wave 1 (Walmart):
Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Scott Hall, Lex Luger (Build A Figure)
Monday Night Wars Elites Wave 2 (Walmart):
Triple H, Fake Diesel, Kevin Nash Debut, Rey Mysterio, Teddy Long (Build A Figure)
Monday Night Wars Elites Wave 3 (Walmart): The Rock, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Stevie Ray, The Disciple (Build a Figure)
This wave has chase versions of Booker T and Stevie Ray in alternate attire.
Monday Night Wars Ultimate Edition Wave 1 (Walmart):
Bret Hart, Roddy Piper
Monday Night Wars Ultimate Edition Wave 2 (Walmart):
Eddie Guerrero, Mankind
I think this line needs to feature moments and characters that had an impact on the Monday Night War. A lot of famous moments from the Monday Night War era have been covered, but I think these would make the MNW line a huge success.
- Shawn Michaels in 1997 Attire. Shawn Michaels was a major part of the MNW up until 1998. He definitely needs to be included.

2. Brian Pillman 1997 Attire. One of the big “jumps” from WCW to WWE, Pillman has to have a place in the line.

3. X-Pac, 1998 Return. Maybe the most famous “jump” of all, X-Pac in his 1998 return attire would be an awesome elite.

4. Booker T, 1998 attire. Booker was finding his way as a solo act in 1998, and would be a great addition to the line.

5. Diamond Dallas Page, 1998 attire. Same goes for DDP, and this would be a look that has always been overlooked by Mattel.

6. Macho Man Randy Savage, 1998 Attire. There is a Ringside Collectibles Exclusive with Wolfpac Macho, but there was enough variables in his look that a second elite would be easy. Savage is definitely needed to go along with Hogan, Hall, Nash, etc.

7. The Rock, 1998 Heel Turn. The night the Rock declared himself the “Corporate Champion” would be a great addition to his lineup of figures.

First time in the line names needed:
- Val Venis
- Marc Mero
- Test
- Saturn
- Raven
- Kanyon
- Jeff Jarrett
- Konnan
Names we need, but they work in AEW:
- Chris Jericho, 1999 Debut
- Big Show
- Goldust
- Sting, 1996 transformation
All of these guys were major parts of the Monday Night War, but unlikely to get into this line, due to working for AEW.