Yes, We can pick on WWF Hasbros too.

When I wrote about Hasbros: The Sleepers, I used specific criteria of “the best in the line, even if they’re not my personal favorite. The criteria I was looking for was: accurate attire, correct parts for the character, small details, and not the obvious choices.”

Today, These are the guys who had puzzling parts choices, inaccurate attires, odd details and other negatives that hold them back. Just to be fair, I’ll leave the jumpers out this time. It’s not their fault they were given the worst mechanism in the whole line.

Rapid Fire:

  • Ted Dibiase Series 9 has sandy blond hair, and should have dark brown hair by the time period referenced.
  • Speaking of Dibiase, the Green suit should have come first, then the black, based on how he wore them.
  • It took until the 4th Macho Man Randy Savage figure to get the hand tape (which was molded in) painted. Randy never went without it.
  • Hulk Hogan #4 is pasty white compared to his actual skintone.
  • Ric Flair’s kneepads. Using the awful Rick Rude mold for Flair leaves Ric with no knee pads.
  • Yokozuna: Both of his attires are technically accurate from his debut in 1992, but his signature attire was Red with a Black belt, which should have been on one of the Hasbros at least.
  • Ludvig Borga’s boots. Ludvig has tall boots on a character that wore short boots. Hasbro painted skintone over the boot mold to go for the look.
  • The Smoking Gunns Boots. Hasbro decided to make the boots look like cowboy boots by painting a different shape than the molded boot.
  • Bret Hart Series 4 has the Pink glasses that Series 8 should have had.
  • Bret never work pink elbow pads
  • Doink the Clown is missing a lot of attire details.
  • Green Card Crush attire is off, it seemed like a rush redo of Kona Crush.
  • Mr Perfect missing the triangle and boots initials on his Series 3 figure.
  • Marty Jannetty should have painted teeth on his solo figure.
  • Series 1 Ted Dibiase is tiny compared to the rest of the line
  • Lex Luger should have had the Ultimate Warrior series 2 torso, to be more ripped
  • Removable hats would have done wonders for Undertaker, both Smoking Gunns, Sgt Slaughter, Skinner, Papa Shango. Mountie too, but he’s in entrance gear like Macho Man #3.
  • If the Orange Card Lex Luger was what was being released, it was terribly inaccurate. Red trunks?
  • None of the Ultimate Warriors are great, but #2 is the best of the three. #3 is very overrated due to being high priced and rare.

I love the Hasbro line, and these are just some small details. Next time, I’ll run the opposite and point out what Hasbro nailed.