Starting with Elite Series 63, Mattel began including Chase Figures into the main Elite lines. The main rule of thumb: The parts cannot be changed, just deco. Usually they would be current roster talent but occasionally they would be Legends/Flashback figures. This practice of including Chase Figures into the waves continued into the Target Exclusive WWE Legends line when it was restarted in 2020.
Legends Chase Figures Checklist:
Elite Series:
- Elite 68 (Summerslam) – King Mabel
- Elite 75 – The Hurricane
- Elite 76 – Christian
- Elite 77 (Summerslam) – Ravishing Rick Rude
- Elite 86 (Summerslam) – Triple H
- Elite 88 – Trish Stratus
- Elite 90 – Big Boss Man
- Elite 93 – Ricky The Dragon Steamboat
- Elite 94 – Bret The Hitman Hart
- Elite 95 – Eddie Guerrero
- Elite 99 -Boogeyman
- Elite 100 – Andre The Giant
- Elite 101 – Mr America
- Elite 103 – Stardust
- Elite 106 – Paul Bearer
Target Legends Series Chase Figures:
- Series 7 – Greg The Hammer Valentine
- Series 8 – Jake The Snake Roberts
- Series 9 – Ted Dibiase
- Series 10 – Brutus Beefcake
- Series 11 – Macho Man Randy Savage
- Series 12- Junkyard Dog
- Series 13 – Jake The Snake Roberts
- Series 14 – Edge
- Series 15 – Lex Luger
- Series 16 – Molly Holly
- Series 17 – Ken Shamrock
- Series 18 – Samu and Fatu
- Series 19 – D’lo Brown
- Series 20- Ted Dibiase
- Series 21 – Andre the Giant
- Series 22 – Hulk Hogan
- Series 23 – Big Bubba Rogers
- Series 24 – Faarooq
- Series 25 – Ravishing Rick Rude
- Series 26 – Rosey
Monday Night Wars Elites:
- Series 3 – Booker T
- Series 3 – Stevie Ray
- Series 4 – Diamond Dallas Page
- Series 5 – Syxx
- Series 6 – Booker T
- Series 7 – The Great Muta
Legends Chase Figures Gallery:

My Comments:
- King Mabel is one of the best Mattel figures of all. It is flawless.
- Triple H in red is better, because Mattel uses the wrong purple for that year’s HHH figure.
- WCW version of The Boss (Big Bossman) is a deep cut and a great addition to the line.
- 1991 Bret Hart is an iconic moment for him, so it’s great to see.
- Greg Valentine and Randy Savage in yellow are both pretty much perfect.
- 1992 Jake Roberts is in WCW attire, another deep cut that looks great.
- Series 8 Jake in Green should have been the main.
- Notable: Series 15 Lex Luger is the first chase to come with a second head to pair with the alternate version.
- Series 10 Brutus Beefcake is the hardest one to come by, due to the Legends 10 release nonsense. The secondary market has come down on him, fortunately.
- Series 86 Sid Justice is close, but is a 2-in-1, not a chase.
Some future chases I’d like to see:
- Hulk Hogan: Yellow trunks/Red Shirt and White Trunks/Red Shirt
- Razor Ramon: Red attire and Green Attire (Green Attire done)
- Shawn Michaels: Wrestlemania 11 attire and Royal Rumble 1995 attire
- Ken Shamrock: Blue Attire and Black Attire (Blue attire done)
- Sid Justice: Blue Attire and Black Attire
- British Bulldog: 1995 Royal Rumble attire and Allied Powers attire
- Nasty Boys: Red or Green WCW attires
- Harlem Heat: Purple attire and Black attire (Black attires done)
- Honky Tonk Man: Black Attire and Red Attire
- Mr. Perfect: Yellow attire and Black Attire (Both done)
In Conclusion:
The addition of chase figures to the Elite line has been great for collecting, for a couple of reasons. It gives collectors such as myself something to go after, a reason to hunt. It also gets out attires of wrestlers who used multiple attires in their career in one run, instead of them being spaced out.