Starting in 2019, Mattel began releasing “Collector’s Edition” figures in the WWE Elite line. These figures are sometimes flashbacks/legends, sometimes a lesser known talent, sometimes a figure that could have easily held a main spot in the elite line. They are released with each elite wave, with the exclusive going back and forth between Walmart and Target. Due to their more limited availability, some of these figures have become highly sought after, as people try to complete the Collector’s Edition wave.
Personally, I have about half of these, as some of them I have passed on (Sherri, Iiconics, Wolfe, Dunne) and some I’ve never seen in a store (Brisco, Patterson, Monsoon). Finding these Collector’s edition figures can be challenging at times.
Beginning with the first Collector’s Edition release from 2019, this is a checklist of all that have been released to this point, along with the next four to come. Update your list and happy collecting!
Elite 63: Bob Backlund (Walmart)

E64: Pete Dunne (Target)

Elite 65: Sensational Sherri (Walmart)

E66: Alexander Wolfe (Target)

Elite 68: Pat Patterson (Walmart)

E69: The Rock (Walmart)

Elite 69: Sonya Deville (Target)

E69: Liv Morgan (Target)

Elite 70: Gerald Brisco (Walmart)

E71: Paige (Target)

Elite 71: Kassius Ohno (Target)

E72: Gorilla Monsoon (Walmart)

Elite 73: Peyton Royce (Target)

E74: Jim Neidhart (Walmart)

Elite 75: Billie Kay (Target)

E77: Freddie Blassie (Walmart)

Elite 78: Superstar Billy Graham (Target)

E79: Undertaker (Walmart)

Elite 80: Rocky Johnson (Target)

E81: Mae Young (Walmart)

Elite 82: Davey Boy Smith (Target)

E83: Michael P.S. Hayes (Walmart)

Elite 84: Zelina Vega (Target)

E85: Kama (Walmart)

E86: Colonel Mustafa (Target)

Upcoming, you’ve got:
E87: Warlord (Walmart) Revealed here:

E88: The Zodiac (Target)

E89: The Goon
E90: Chief Jay Strongbow
E94: British Bulldog
Collector’s Edition Hits and Misses:
The hits: Zodiac, Kama (this one might be figure of the year for 2021), Davey Boy Smith, Undertaker. Young, Blassie, and Graham are very accurate. Monsoon, Patterson and Brisco are excellent as well.
The misses: Bob Backlund is tiny, Neidhart has a horrible face scan, Michael Hayes could have had a better attire.
My collection of these: Bob Backlund, The Rock, Jim Neidhart, Undertaker, Davey Boy Smith, Kama, Colonel Mustafa, Warlord, Zodiac and The British Bulldog. I want to add Michael Hayes, and Gorilla Monsoon at some point.