Collecting Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts has changed. Typically the regular Hunts were one per case, and were not highly sought after. This has been the case since 2013 when the hidden Super Treasure Hunt was introduced. Some collectors picked up “regulars” and others left them behind. In 2024, they’ve become as sought after as Zamacs, Red Editions, and other special cars in the line and they have been a lot tougher to find. As I mentioned, the rule was generally one per case, but that doesn’t appear to be the case anymore. They are out there, but between the higher demand, and not guaranteed to be in a box, the hunt is on. Let’s discuss the 2024 series, starting with the worst: For other reading, here are my rankings for 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Starting at the bottom:

Case: L
Rank: 15
A junk gimmick fantasy casting that does no one any good here. Yes, I selected a fantasy casting as top for 2022, but that duck was awesome.

Case: C
Rank: 14
The Tooligan is guilty of being a repeat Treasure Hunt, this one was in 2017 and was almost the same deco, just a different color. This results in a low score with me.

Hot Wheels Ford Transit Connect
Case: M
Rank: 13
The Ford Transit Connect was also a repeat from 2017 Treasure Hunt and this one is less interesting than that one. There are plenty of castings to make TH from, we don’t need repeats of mediocre cars.

Ford Mustang Mach-E 1400
Case: F
Rank: 12
Speaking of mediocre, this Mustang is just taking up a spot. Nothing about this one stands out.

Porsche 9285 Safari
Case: Q
Rank: 11
Well, this is a car that exists. Not memorable in any way.

Honda Super Cub Custom
Case: J
Rank: 10
This is another forgettable TH in a row, but it’s well done with a simple design. It’s not terrible.

Batman Forever Batmobile
Case: E
Rank: 9
Our annual Batmobile Treasure Hunt is at least a lesser used casting, and looks nice with the blue rims. Batmobiles will always have their place.

Draggin’ Wagon
Case: G
Rank: 8
The Draggin Wagon is a fun casting, and this one looks pretty good in yellow. This one was hard to come by for me this year so far.

’59 Chevy Impala
Case: P
Rank: 7
This one is a little too on-the-nose. I added the twin version for comparison, that they are almost the exact same car, just with slight differences. It was nice last time, not so much a second time.

DMC Delorean
Case: N
Rank: 6
This is a good addition. The stripes are subtle, it looks almost like it should. It would have been better in solid silver, but I like this one.

Ain’t Fare
Case: B
Rank: 5
This one is an eye catcher. A fun design that is different on both sides and using the all over wrap style effectively, this is a well placed TH.

’47 Chevy Fleetline
Case: A
Rank: 4
A rarely used casting, this one started the year off nicely with an also rare police deco package. This one was a nice addition to kick off 2024.

Purple Passion
Case: H
Rank: 3
Another classic Hot Wheel casting, this one looks brilliant in it’s Art Cars deco. This is a strong contender among regular THs.

Bone Shaker
Case: K
Rank: 2
A classic Hot Wheel Casting, the Bone Shaker looks sharp here in mostly white with whitewall tires. This one is very popular among long time collectors, and this one will fit right in with collectors.

Custom ’53 Chevy
Case: D
Rank: 1
This one checks many boxes for me. Chevy, classic, purple. This one takes the top spot for me.