Target run and done: D and E case

Then this past week, I was able to track one case down to a store that is pretty far away but it was worth it. I rolled in at noon and the associate was just rolling out the cart of stock. Boom, fresh case. I asked her for it and pegged the cars. I was my lucky day, as I found the E case Super Treasure Hunt 88 Honda CRX.

Hopefully I can track D case down somewhere, and the hunt goes on…

Walking out with a D case box. I sometimes keep these, they’re good for storage and transportation.
Main version Porsche 918 Spyder and D case Treasure Hunt Buns of Steel.
Live unboxing by the associate.
The bin before I got to it. Three C cases.
C case regular Treasure Hunt Grass Chomper.
Target exclusive Red Editions, the first for 2020.
Cases Spotted. There ended up being four of them.
A dud E case.
Pegs nice and full and the area is neat.
Regular Treasure Hunt Batmobile.
Spotted it as she was rolling it out.
Super! The TH Batmobile and Super 88 Honda CRX.
The rest of what I pulled from E case.