Store Exclusives


Kroger has had their share of Store exclusives as well.

  • In 2013, 2014, and 2015, Kroger had the “Scavenger Hunt” Series. These cars featured text on the back of the card indicating that you had found a Scavenger Hunt. These come in groups of four.
  • in 2016, Four cars featured “Make it Epic” on the carding.
  • 2017 had Kroger release four recolors, as well as Halloween editions, and a Peanuts sub series featuring those characters.
  • For 2018, Kroger released their standard four cars, as well as the three that Toys R Us would have released before they died, making a total of seven.
  • 2019 saw Kroger have a mail in vehicle, with four Store exclusives in the mix, taking over from Kmart. See above for the picture of those four. Kroger also released their standard four recolors for the year.

With the passing of Toys R Us, and Kmart, Mattel needed to find new retailers for their popular mail in promotions. Target picked up one, without store exclusives. Kroger picked up the second, along with carrying the final Toys R Us cars. On the next page, we will discuss the other two who have joined the party.

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