The Monday Night Wars elite line has been highly anticipated and popular. This post will serve as a running checklist, with photos and notes as the line progresses.
Series 1:
- Scott Hall
- Hulk Hogan
- Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Undertaker
- Lex Luger (Build-a-Figure)
Series 2:
- Kevin Nash
- Rey Mysterio Jr
- Triple H
- Fake Diesel
- Referee Teddy Long (Build-a-Figure)
Series 3:
- Booker T (also chase version)
- Stevie Ray (also chase version)
- The Rock
- Rob Van Dam
- The Disciple (Build-a-Figure)
Series 4:
- Diamond Dallas Page (also chase version)
- Curt Hennig
- Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Big Boss Man
- Shawn Michaels (Build-a-Figure)
Series 5:
- Syxx
- Ultimate Warrior
- Razor Ramon
- Lita
- Dusty Rhodes (Build-a-Figure)
Series 6:
- British Bulldog
- Kane
- Hardcore Hak
- Booker T (also chase version)
- Golga (Build-a-Figure)
Let’s look at the Monday Night Wars Elites:
Series 1:

Fortunately, I was able to find all of these in one round.

Series 3, brings us Chases:

Monday Night Wars Elites Series 4:

Series 5: