What Year Has The Best Super Treasure Hunts? Part 3

In a previous post, I used a five point system to rank all 15 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunts for a given year, then was able to determine which year generated the Best Super Treasure Hunts.

Part two of this test is available here.

I used a point system of 0-5 with 5 being best in the categories of:

casting choice (Unique, stands out, personal favorites)
color/paint job (Bold, Bright, interesting)
wheels/tires (Bold, Unique, stands out)
tampo design. (Clean, complimentary)
Each category earns points to the total for that year. For example a car may be a 4 in casting choice, a 5 in color, 3 in wheels, and 5 in tampos. This car would be a 17 overall. The year with the highest score wins.

That Post was to rank the Supers from 2012 through 2019. The second was for 2020-2022.

Today I will update the standings through the 2024 year.

The Current Standings:

2013: 253 points
2012: 246 points
2014: 242 points
2015: 236 points
2021: 233 points
2017: 230 points
2022: 225 points
2020: 222 points
2018: 217 points
2016: 216 points
2019: 184 points

Rank the Supers by Year:

2023 rang up a 203 in the Keck Collects system, which puts it at second-to-worst in the overall standings.

2023, the top 4:

The ’82 Toyota Supra gets a 19 here, which puts it in the top tier of the Keck Collects system.

2024 totals with 213 in the Keck Collects system, which puts it at third-to-worst in the overall standings.

2024, the top 4:

Two more perfect 20’s in the 2024 line, which if you know anything about me, you saw this coming. The Silverado and El Camino are both beautiful pieces and they join the elite, along with:

The “perfect 20s”: 
63 Chevy II
67 Chevy c10
69 Dodge Charger Daytona
69 Camaro
71 Dodge Challenger

What does this all mean?

Supers are getting worse by my personal metrics, but they still have some gems from time to time, and we will all continue to drive ourselves crazy searching for them.

Happy Hunting!