It was announced that Dollar General would be hosting the next round of Hot Wheels exclusives along with a mail in vehicle, after Kroger and GameStop recently. To this point, it’s been a fiasco.
Once the mail in period started, I began checking DG regularly. After seeing posts online of people starting to find the shipment, my hopes were up.
With Covid-19 having an impact on the world, the shipments didn’t arrive. I persisted and kept checking stores and then finally Collector Buddy found some at a location 30 minutes away. I run out there and find one each of the exclusives and a regular treasure hunt that he overlooked.
With the ball rolling, I kept checking. Checking, and checking more. Eventually Hot wheels posted a message acknowledging that there was a delay in the shipments. This made it tougher because I didn’t want to miss out.

All of a sudden, the dam broke. All the stores put out the display within a day or two of each other. Unfortunately, I missed almost all of them. The G case super continues to elude me…