This is a Legends Showcase featuring WWE Mattel Elite figures. After the WWE Legends line ended the first time, there was still a desire in the collecting community for classic characters. Mattel compromised and began adding Legends and Hall of Fame characters into various lines, including some store exclusive lines.
Photos sourced from
Legends Showcase: WWE Elite Hall of Fame Series:
This line made it for 5 waves, along with one set of 2 packs. These were all Target Exclusive. There were 3 three-packs made, featuring the Four Horsemen, The Heenan Family, and WCW Nitro Notables.

- Series 1:
- Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Sgt Slaughter
- Trish Stratus
- Ultimate Warrior (Summerslam 90)
- Series 2:
- Eddie Guerrero
- Tito Santana
- Hulk Hogan (Wrestlemania 9)
- Yokozuna
- Series 3:
- Jimmy Hart
- Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase
- Macho King Randy Savage
- Series 4:
- Jerry The King Lawler
- Sting
- King Booker
- Edge
- Series 5:
- Jake The Snake Roberts
- Diesel
- Rowdy Roddy Piper
- George The Animal Steele
- Hall Of Fame 2 Packs:
- Papa Shango Vs Ultimate Warrior (Wrestlemania 8)
- Wild Samoans Afa and Sika
The Best: Series 1 Ultimate Warrior, Series 3 Macho King, Series 2 Hulk Hogan, Series 5 Diesel
The Worst: Series 2 Tito Santana, Series 4 King Booker
Legends Showcase: WWE Network Spotlight
The WWE Network Spotlight line started out as a Toys R Us Exclusive, and went to Target after TRU folded. There was a mix of characters, highlighted below:

- Big Boss Man
- Diesel
- Hunter Hearst Helmsley
- Ringmaster Steve Austin
- Shawn Michaels (Summerslam 95)
- Undertaker
- Wendi Richter
These came out slowly, but were nice additions to the line, especially HHH and Austin getting some of their lesser known attires out.
Legends Showcase: WWE Hall of Champions
The WWE Hall Of Champions was the next line up for Target stores, featuring famous champions. Some of the line was modern talent, and some were Legends, who we are focusing on here.

- Batista with World Title
- Billy Gunn with WWF Tag Team Title
- Eddie Guerrero with Cruiserweight Title
- Paul Bearer with Winged Eagle WWF World title
- Ron Simmons with WCW World Title
- Ultimate Warrior with
YellowWhite Winged Eagle WWF Title - Kane with WWF Attitude Era World Title
- Rikishi with Intercontinental title
- Road Dogg with WWF Tag Team Title
- Undertaker with WWF Tag Team Title
This line was notorious because it came and went very quickly. Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and Kane are all highly sought after. The Warrior ended up coming with a white belt, and it is also hard to come by. Ron Simmons debuts the WCW world title in a great development.
Next page: Flashback Series, Then, Now, and Forever and Retrofest!