Let’s Start with Kmart Day
Kmart supported the Hot Wheels collecting hobby by sponsoring the Kmart Collector’s Day events. Kmart stores would host a special collector’s event where exclusive vehicles would be made available. This was the chance for collectors to open a sealed case with the hope of finding a Treasure Hunt or Super Treasure Hunt. Kmart ceased holding these events after filing for bankruptcy and mass-closing their stores in 2019. – Hot Wheels Wiki
Wait, What’s a Mail In Collectors Edition?
In 2007, as part of the Kmart event, Hot Wheels offered a special Mail In Collectors Edition model, a 70 Chevelle Convertible. At every Hot Wheels Collector Event after that, there has been a special Mail In Vehicle offered. To obtain one of these, you purchased $20 worth of Hot Wheels vehicles (usually no sweat at a collector event), and mailed in the cards along with the receipt showing proof the vehicles were purchased during the promotional period, usually a few weeks.
This is the procedure for the current day’s Mail In Collectors Edition. Kmart also began offering cases available online, around the times of the events, for the benefit of those who couldn’t be there in person, or wanted an extra shot at a fresh case. Kroger, Gamestop, and Best Buy have also offered 36 count cases for sale around the time of promotions.
The downside: not all collectors open their cars, and this forced us to have to buy and open 20 cars to have the card backs to mail in.
Some examples of the promotional material for the mail ins.

Not Just Kmart…
Toys R Us also participated in a Mail In Collectors Edition promotion, once a year until their closing. They followed the same procedures as Kmart and offered 3 exclusive colors during their promo period.
In 2013, Walmart began offering a rewards program. Collectors could get the School Busted by submitting receipts of purchases of Hot Wheels Vehicles during a certain time frame. The nice part about this program was there was really no limit. It was short lived, however. Since then, they have offered models for order on Walmart.com, and offered for sale at Hot Wheels Legends Tour Events.
Other retailers get in on the fun
Once Kmart and Toys R Us found their end, there was still a demand for Hot Wheels promotions. Kroger was the first to pick up the ball and offered the abandoned exclusive from Toys R Us, and goes to this day. Gamestop tried to hold collector events, starting in 2019 and again in 2020, but they didn’t have the juice the way Kmart did.
Most Recently, Dollar General joined in, with mixed results, as they only got in a tray of 36 cars, and those usually disappeared fast. Best Buy was the newest attempt, with exclusives showing up in 2022. It has not been established if they will return in 2023.
On Page 2, here is a full checklist from 2007-2023 of the Hot Wheels Mail In Collector Editions.