2023 has been an interesting year for Treasure Hunts. You can see my rankings of the Super Treasure Hunts here, and for the most part the results were not favorable. In some ways, the regulars have been the better Hunts of 2023, as far as color choices and variety in castings. This year has been a departure from the norm, as every case has not contained a hunt like in the past. Usually, 9 cases would yield 9 regulars and 1 super, and now, it’s possible to hit that many cases and come out with 1 or 2 regulars and no super at all. Collectors, who used to scoff at regulars, saying they were for the kids and etc, now gobble these up along with Zamacs and Red Editions. But without further ado, here are my rankings of the Regular Treasure Hunts of 2023.

Case: L
Rank: 15
I like the color on the Madfast, but otherwise this one does nothing for me. Just a typical fantasy car turned Treasure Hunt.

Case: E
Rank: 14
Mod Rod is sporting the Hot Wheels racing theme for 2023, but every car in that lineup has been a dud this year, and this is no exception. Moving on…

Case: M
Rank: 13
This one is a throwback to older Hunts that used to say Treasure Hunt or T Hunt somewhere on the car. There are better ones in the line than this, however.

Case: C
Rank: 12
There’s nothing wrong with this bike, but there’s a better one down the line. I do like the blue color, though.

Case: G
Rank: 11
Another sharp color brightens up a dull casting, which keeps this one from rising or climbing the rankings.
The Hunts of 2023: The Top 10

Case: J
Rank: 10
A fairly new casting already getting TH treatment, this one is pretty good looking and benefits from being a real vehicle.

Case: K
Rank: 9
Everything said about the Jeep also applies here.

Case: B
Rank: 8
This fantasy casting is one of my favorites, and it’s a rare pink color. This one works well.

Case: F
Rank: 7
Usually a car like this would be in the trash list, but the TH flame logo is in the icing, which was really clever and makes this one more interesting.

Case: A
Rank: 6
The Top 5:
Starting the model year off, this one is sharp in red and chrome. Another new casting that made it to TH status quickly.

Case: Q
Rank: 5
Another mud vehicle on the list, this one is a recolor from earlier in the year. The red looks good, and it’s a worthy member of this group.

Case: P
Rank: 4
Another real vehicle, this one stands out in bright yellow and red, and looks like something you’d see on the street. This one makes a good case for being in the top 5.

Case: N
Rank: 3
I like this one because it’s different. Brightly colored, and the Flame logo is hidden on the carded side so this one may be tougher to spot for some.

Case: H
Rank: 2
This is a good looking bike. No fancy artwork just a sharp looking motorcycle gives this one a high ranking.

Case: D
Rank: 1
My other fantasy casting weakness: planes. I have just about every Mad/Madd Propz available, and this one is no exception. Nicely designed and colorful, this one is a great choice and the best of the bunch for 2023.
How many of these have you found? Happy Hunting!