Walmart Run and Done: Hot Wheels 2022 J and K case

Things have been pretty slow for Hot Wheels at Walmart for the last several months, but this past week finally paid off for me. I did a customary stop at the nearest Walmart to home and was surprised to find both J and K case on the pegs. They were leftovers, but I still picked up 10-15 cars. The next day, I made a point to try a different Walmart, and finally my time had come. I managed to catch a fresh shipment for the first time in a long time, and it was J and K case for 2022.

Immediately, I went to work digging around and started finding new car after new car. At this point I regretted not having a cart for this part. I kept going, and found one K case regular Treasure Hunt, the Dodge ’87 D100 truck.

I can usually tell when a bin or display is fresh, and this one gave me a clue: tightly packed cars three up and three down. This display seemed fresh. I kept going, and finally hit on a winner: a K Case 2022 Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline HT 2000GT-X (that’s a mouthful). I literally said an expletive out loud as I carefully placed it on my pile.

My first super in the wild, in a year.

I got to the bottom of the display, and gathered my finds, hoping to find a stray cart. Being Walmart, there was one nearby. I completed my purchases and got out of there. When I got home, I realized that I had forgotten one of the main things that I went for, which was left laying on the shelf next to the Hot Wheels Display.

The Haul: Hot Wheels J and K case for 2022:

The best:

  • The red Recolor of the 1970 Pontiac Firebird
  • The red Recolor of the Toyota Tacoma
  • 40 Ford Pickup in light blue
  • 68 Mustang 2+2 fast back in dark green
  • Dodge Dart Art Car in Red
  • Regular Treasure Hunt: 1 87 Dodge D100 (K) and 3 Gotta Go (J)
  • Super Treasure Hunt: 1 Nissan Skyline HT 2000GT-X